Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Duration Of Lovemaking Ideal Dream Woman

Quoted from the page of the Daily Star, Tuesday, November 14, 2017, a study read in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found, the average duration of sex couples performed only 5.4 minutes. The study was surveyed in men in England, the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, to the United States.

Women usually have a deep desire, related to the duration of sex with a partner. Recent researchers found, the ideal duration of sex time that women want including warming up to intercourse.

Unfortunately, the men forget the main key in sex with women. Men should know the ideal sex duration coveted by women.

The study, published in the Journal of Sex Research found that women will enjoy 11-13 minutes for warming moments, or foreplay. Then, followed by seven to eight minutes of sex.

However, the women did want to have a longer time than the one in the study. They want to enjoy the duration of sex in a time that is twice that number.

Women want a duration of 25 minutes done during the foreplay process, or warm-up. And intimate process that takes up to 16 minutes. That is, 41 minutes is the ideal duration of sex in women.


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